Jean Monnet International Conference
A social Europe for youth: education to employment
18-20 May 2017
Oradea, Romania
This conference aims to bring together academics and researchers from various field of expertise and countries, but also politicians, journalists, NGO’s representatives, to discuss topics from the following sections and workshops:
Sections and workshops:
1. EU governance, social construction and the legitimacy of the EU social model
2. Social values in education; education and employment
3. EU Social Policies versus National Realities;
4. Social exclusion: old problem and new solutions;
5. Unemployment and youth’s issues in the EU;
6. Equality on schedule?
7. Social integration of vulnerable groups; social dialog
8. Social Journalism and the EU public sphere
9. Social media and its impact on youth
10. Student’ section
Important dates:
- 23 December 2016: Deadline for submission of abstract
- 10 January 2017: Notification of acceptance
- 10 May 2017: Delivery of full conference paper
- 18-20 May 2017: Conference in Oradea, Romania
The abstracts (max. 500 words, followed by 3-5 keywords) will be submitted for review in electronic MS Word format. Please provide the full names, affiliation and e-mail addresses of all authors. Authors are also asked to send a 100 words biographical note focusing on research activities, scientific interests and previous publications.
Abstracts should be sent by 23 of December 2016 to the Conference Coordinator, Gabriela Goudenhooft, at the following address:
Travel & Accommodation
There is no participation fee for the conference. Accommodation and meals during the conference will be paid by the organizers for one presenter of each accepted paper. There are no available funds for travel costs.
Rome, Italy,
April 27-29, 2016
Call for Papers
The Centro Altiero Spinelli - Jean Monnet
center of excellence (CeAS), University of “Roma Tre” (Italy), and the Research Centre on
Identity and Migration Issues
(RCIMI), University of
Oradea (Romania), jointly organized the International
Seminar on:
The Research Centre on Identity and Migration Issues, Department of Political Science and Communication, University of Oradea ( welcomes you to the international workshop: The fight against trafficking of human beings in the EU: promoting legal cooperation and victims’ protection, that will be held on May 23th -24th , 2013 in Oradea, Romania. The workshop is part of the project with the same title, financed by the European Commission through Prevention of and the Fight against Crime Programme of the European Union –Directorate Generale Home Affairs.
The main topics of the workshop are:
- THB in today Romania
- THB in the EU and international context
- Institutions fighting against THB
- Victims’ protection: prevention, assistance and social reinsertion
For more information and the detailed call for applications click here
International Conference:
Extended Deadline: 30th of April 2012
The Department of Political Science and Communication Studies of the University of Oradea, Romania, organizes, between 24-25 May 2012, the International Conference:
Political Theories ans Electoral Practices in a Changing World.
The main topics of the conference are:
I. The dynamics of party systems II. The determinants of vote and political partisanship
III. Political communication and electoral campaigns
IV. The electoral impact of public policies
Official language of the conference: English
Proposal submission: Proposals (including a paper title and a 250-300 words abstract of the proposed paper) and a short CV (1-2 pages) should be submitted by email as MS Word attachments to Assist. Prof. Marius Tatar or to Assist. Prof. Dan Apateanu, until 30th of April, 2012 (Extended Deadkine). A selection of the conference papers will be published in an edited volume, in six months after the conference.
Fees: There is no participation fee for the conference, but the travel and accommodation costs are to be covered by the participants. For accomodation inquiries please contact: Assist. Prof. Simona Fer (
Workshop: Immigration - Between European Standards and Local Realities
The Research Centre on Identity and Migration Issues within the Faculty of Political Science and Communication, University of Oradea in partnership with the Immigration Agency - Bihor County, organize the workshop on ”Immigration - Between European Standards and Local Realities”, held on February 10, 2011, 11.00 a.m. at the Faculty of Political Science and Communication, Str. Traian Blajovici nr. 2, Oradea, Romania.
The Research Centre on Identity and Migration Issues within the Faculty of Political Science and Communication, University of Oradea organized the International Conference “Post-Communism and the New European Identity”, held on November 5th -7th , 2009 in Oradea, Romania.
The main topics of the conference were:
- Identity and mobility in Europe
- The image of the New Europe in the mass-media
- Institutional changes and democratic reforms after the fall of communism
The papers presented at the conference will be published in the conference volume. Several selected papers could be published in the Journal of Identity and Migration Studies (see ).
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Jean Monnet international conference
A Call for Tolerance in the EU
6-8, 2019 Oradea, Romania
Call for Papers (pdf) Conference poster (pdf)
The conference aims to
gather professionals, decision makers, academics and students willing to engage
in combating xenophobic behaviors by using university knowledge and communication
We are planning to discuss the followings
1. Xenophobic behavior in today’s Europe: Political communication,
social attitudes
2. Xenophobia and anti-Roma manifestations
3. Framing Xenophobia in the media
4. Anti-Minority discourse/attitudes (gender, religion, sexual
orientation, ethnicity)
5. How to revive the European humanist
tradition of tolerance? (Overview on philosophy, art, fiction literature and films)
6. New strategies in combating Xenophobia
official language of the conference: English
The organisers cover:
- participants` accommodation and meals during the conference
- the costs to print and publish all the materials of the conference
including the volume comprising the articles
February, 11 2019: Deadline for submission of abstract
February, 15 2019: Notification of acceptance
March, 1 2019: Delivery of full Abstracts paper
6-8 June 2019: Conference in Oradea,
The abstracts (max. 500 words, followed by 3-5 keywords) will be submitted for review
in electronic MS Word format. Please provide the full names, affiliations and
e-mail addresses of all authors. Authors are also asked to send a 100 words
biographical note focusing on research activities, scientific interests and
previous publications. Abstracts should be e-mailed to Irina Pop
( and Gabriela Goudenhooft (
by February, 11 2019 at 16:00.
This website aims to offer the researchers of both phenomena - migration and identity - a meeting space for sharing ideas, concerns and experiences related to the movement of persons in and out of Central and Eastern Europe.
Project description: Migration and Identity in a Changing Europe: Building Partnerships and Fostering Communication
To build and foster partnerships between migration experts from CEE states by the bringing together of decision makers, international NGOs/think tanks, academicians to debate migration related issues and by creating and maintaining a specialized online-based community.
I. to facilitate interaction between experts in migration area by creating a common platform for sharing ideas, experiences and information on migration related issues;
II. to encourage cross-border cooperation between Central and East European international NGOs/think tanks, academicians, public opinion;
III. to make the state institutions aware on the problems of international migration;
IV. to contribute to the promotion of studies and research papers on migration that cover the region of CEE states;
V. to bridge the gap between EU member states, EU accessing states and future EU neighbors by finding solutions to migration problems.
Copyright © RCIMI, 2007-2019 Design and maintenance: Marius Tatar |
JIMS - Call for Papers
The editors of the Journal of Identity and Migration Studies (JIMS) invite scholars, practitioners, policymakers, and students to submit articles, essays, book reviews and recent conference reports for publication in the 2017 editions.
JIMS is committed to publishing cutting-edge, provocative, and thoughtful scholarship. Our goal is to explore new directions and perspectives in understanding the complex phenomena of migration and identity.
Form more details about JIMS call for papers click here.
European Identity and Free Movement of Persons, (2005) edited by Lia Pop and Cristina Matiuta, Oradea: University of Oradea Publishing House, 375 p., ISBN 973-613-960-3.
Click here to open the table of contents of the study: |
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